Tuesday, September 22, 2009

90 - carve a cusp in amalgam

occasionally i see people come into the dental surgery with such shocking oral hygiene (ie non-existant) that i think resin composites will just not last in that mouth. so for ages i was whacking the ol' fuji ix in everywhere, until i figured i should just learn to use amalgam properly. a few weeks ago i had some time out to observe another dentist work for a day, and got some pointers about carving. a few days later, i had to do a cuspal coverage of an upper molar. as i took the band off, my nurse said 'very nice! that's a work of art!' because for once my amalgam had a cusp! it wasn't actually thaaat nice, but a cusp is a cusp :)

he also suggested sketching more teeth to understand the anatomy (uhh.. yeah i'll do that later).

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